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Your Agency Members Survey

This is the SAMPLE Survey Page for Your Agency. This survey is being conducted in advance to an upcoming supervisory engagement training program with your agency.

Your sincere responses are highly desired by both Secure 1776 and your agency. Each training participant is also being asked to participate in this survey as a more confidential means of efficiently gathering a sense of the overall group’s per-training baseline. This survey is intended to enhance your training experience. Your responses will also help provide essential feedback to those holding formal leadership positions within your agency.

Police Star
Your Agency Police Logo

Secure 1776 will provide a summary of the survey results, but will not provide information to your agency that identifies you with your responses. Combined summary information and analysis drawn from all of the survey responses will be used to facilitate discussions during the training session.

Even though you have been requested by your agency to complete this survey, your participation remains completely voluntary. As you proceed through the survey, you will have the ability to revise those responses. So as to relieve any participant concerns, among the survey response options will be: “no answer” or “I prefer not to answer.”

Your responses are understood to be only your initial thoughts on the questions asked, and before participating in the associated training session. Opinions can change with additional information, experiences, study, reflection, and the passage of time.

General Instructions to Open and Navigate the Survey

Open the survey by entering your agency email address and the password provided to you for this survey. After completing your responses on one page, select the “Next” button to advance to the next page and group of questions. If you decide to go back to modify an answer on a prior page, just select the “Prev” button. To submit your final responses, simply navigate through to the last page and select the “Finish – Submit” button.

The survey takes approximately 5 to 8 minutes to complete.

Start the Survey Below

Access to the survey is restricted. To gain access, please enter your agency email address and the password provided to you for this survey.

[NOTE on this sample page, there is NO need to login. Simply scroll down and start the survey.]

Sample Page Login
THIS IS JUST AN IMAGE — You do not need to login on this sample page.

We recommend completing this survey in full-screen mode, particularly on mobile devices. Open full-screen mode by clicking on the blue box below.

Your Agency Members Survey

Particularly on a mobile device, you may want to complete the survey in full-screen mode. Do so by selecting the blue box just above this frame on the right.

Supervisor Type and Survey Participation
First-line or higher ranking supervisor information and survey participation indication.

What is your current supervisory rank?*

What is your current supervisory rank?*

Here the survey seeks to help identify any response distinctions by rank.

Clear selection

Participation in this survey is voluntary. Do you agree to proceed further this survey?*

Participation in this survey is voluntary. Do you agree to proceed further this survey?*

This survey is for supervisors of the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. All such supervisors are encouraged to participate. Your participation is appreciated and completely voluntary.

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Service Length and Satisfaction
These initial questions provide background information.

How long have you worked in the law enforcement profession?*

How long have you worked in the law enforcement profession?*

Include all time working in the profession, including for other law enforcement agencies.

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How satisfied have you been working in the law enforcement profession? [Use the 1-7 scale below with 7 being the highest.]*

How satisfied have you been working in the law enforcement profession? [Use the 1-7 scale below with 7 being the highest.]*

This question seeks to further assess satisfaction with being a member of the law enforcement profession.

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Being in the Profession
This section assesses the status of the profession among agency supervisors.

Are you proud or do you regret your overall career choice of having joined the law enforcement profession?*

Are you proud or do you regret your overall career choice of having joined the law enforcement profession?*

This question provides a measure of the status of the profession.

Clear selection

Would you recommend joining the law enforcement profession to an interested family member or person you cared about?*

Would you recommend joining the law enforcement profession to an interested family member or person you cared about?*

This question provides an additional measure of the status of the profession.

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On Becoming a Supervisor
This section seeks to better understand how you came to seek or accept your current supervisory position.

How long have you been a law enforcement supervisor? [Include all of your service time in all ranks sergeant and above you have held.]*

How long have you been a law enforcement supervisor? [Include all of your service time in all ranks sergeant and above you have held.]*

This question seeks to identify distinctions in responses by the number of years of service as a supervisor.

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How excited and optimistic were you upon being promoted to your current rank?*

How excited and optimistic were you upon being promoted to your current rank?*

This question seeks to further assess satisfaction with being a law enforcement supervisor.

Clear selection

The two primary reasons you sought or accepted promotion to your current rank are best described by which of the following statements? [Select two of the options.]*

The two primary reasons you sought or accepted promotion to your current rank are best described by which of the following statements? [Select two of the options.]*

This question seeks to identify the initial motivations associated with seeking or accepting promotion.

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Serving as a Supervisor
This section gathers more information from supervisors assessing their time as a supervisor.

Compare your experiences in your current supervisory rank to what you thought would be the case when you were first promoted to this position. Have your experiences as a supervisory been less, as anticipated, or more than you anticipated?*

Compare your experiences in your current supervisory rank to what you thought would be the case when you were first promoted to this position. Have your experiences as a supervisory been less, as anticipated, or more than you anticipated?*

This question seeks to assess the experiences of supervisors compared to their perceptions at the time of their promotion.

Less So
As Anticipated
More So
No Answer
Clear selection

Would you encourage your best subordinates to seek promotion when supervisory vacancies occur within your agency?*

Would you encourage your best subordinates to seek promotion when supervisory vacancies occur within your agency?*

This question seeks to further assess satisfaction with being a law enforcement supervisor.

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Skills and Knowledge Self-Assessment
This section gathers job skills and knowledge self-assessments among supervisors.

How would you self-assess your level of skill and knowledge relative to the duties of your current supervisory role?*

How would you self-assess your level of skill and knowledge relative to the duties of your current supervisory role?*

This question allows for a self-assessment of their skill and knowledge level relative to the respondent’s current supervisory role.

Clear selection

How would you self-assess your level of skill and knowledge relative to the duties of your subordinates? How well do you understand, and how well can you do, the work the people you supervise perform?*

How would you self-assess your level of skill and knowledge relative to the duties of your subordinates? How well do you understand, and how well can you do, the work the people you supervise perform?*

This question gathers supervisory assessments of their own level of skill and knowledge relative to work of their subordinates.

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Perceptions Of and By Others
This section gathers more information from supervisors regarding their perceptions and the perceptions of others.

How do you assess the overall performance of each group listed below?*

How do you assess the overall performance of each group listed below?*

The question gathers overall assessments about agency personnel from the surveyed supervisors.

Need Improvement
No Answer
Peer Supervisors
Higher Ranks
Clear selection

For each group listed below, overall, how do you believe they would rate YOUR effectiveness as a supervisor?*

For each group listed below, overall, how do you believe they would rate YOUR effectiveness as a supervisor?*

This question seeks to gather the perceptions from the surveyed supervisors as to how their effectiveness is seen by others within the agency.

Need Improvement
No Answer
Peer Supervisors
Higher Ranks
Clear selection
Agency Assessment
This section gathers supervisor opinions regarding agency operations.

For each factor listed, indicate your assessment of your agency’s overall performance.*

For each factor listed, indicate your assessment of your agency’s overall performance.*

This questions gathers member assessments regarding key agency responsibilities.

Needs Improvement
No Answer
Advances Public Safety
Meets Community Expectations
Meets Constitutional Policing Standards
Fosters Officer Wellness
Clear selection

How do you rate the likely future of Your Agency over the next 12 months?*

How do you rate the likely future of Your Agency over the next 12 months?*

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment
This section gathers supervisor self-assessment information.

How would you self-assess your willingness to proactively address subordinate underperformance?*

How would you self-assess your willingness to proactively address subordinate underperformance?*

Note: Proactively means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

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There is just one more series of questions in the survey. Are you willing to press ahead and provide just a little bit more detail? Answering the remaining questions will enhance the discussions during the upcoming training session.*

There is just one more series of questions in the survey. Are you willing to press ahead and provide just a little bit more detail? Answering the remaining questions will enhance the discussions during the upcoming training session.*

The short group of additional questions gathers some more detail on supervisory experiences.

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Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part A
This section gathers supervisor self-assessment information.

Have you ever self-initiated informal intervention efforts to improve the performance of a subordinate? [Such efforts include coaching, counseling, advice, and mentoring.]*

Have you ever self-initiated informal intervention efforts to improve the performance of a subordinate? [Such efforts include coaching, counseling, advice, and mentoring.]*

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

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Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part A1
Additional detail of self-initiated informal intervention efforts.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated informal intervention efforts to improve the performance of a subordinate? [Such efforts include coaching, counseling, advice, and mentoring.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated informal intervention efforts to improve the performance of a subordinate? [Such efforts include coaching, counseling, advice, and mentoring.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part B
This section gathers additional supervisor self-assessment information.

Have you ever self-initiated formal interventions and/or corrective actions to address the underperformance or misconduct of a subordinate? [Such efforts include removal of a subordinate from an assignment, reprimands, letters of caution, suspensions, and moves to terminate.]*

Have you ever self-initiated formal interventions and/or corrective actions to address the underperformance or misconduct of a subordinate? [Such efforts include removal of a subordinate from an assignment, reprimands, letters of caution, suspensions, and moves to terminate.]*

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part B1
Additional detail of self-initiated formal intervention efforts.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated formal interventions and/or corrective actions to address the underperformance or misconduct of a subordinate? [Such efforts include removal of a subordinate from an assignment, reprimands, letters of caution, suspensions, and moves to terminate.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated formal interventions and/or corrective actions to address the underperformance or misconduct of a subordinate? [Such efforts include removal of a subordinate from an assignment, reprimands, letters of caution, suspensions, and moves to terminate.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

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Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part C
This section gathers additional supervisor self-assessment information.

Have you ever self-initiated an officer wellness support effort for a subordinate exhibiting signs of stress, depression, substance abuse, or other personal issue? [Such efforts include referral to employee assistance programming, counseling, or other support services.]*

Have you ever self-initiated an officer wellness support effort for a subordinate exhibiting signs of stress, depression, substance abuse, or other personal issue? [Such efforts include referral to employee assistance programming, counseling, or other support services.]*

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part C1
Additional detail of self-initiated officer wellness support efforts.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated an officer wellness support effort for a subordinate exhibiting signs of stress, depression, substance abuse, or other personal issue? [Such efforts include referral to employee assistance programming, counseling, or other support services.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated an officer wellness support effort for a subordinate exhibiting signs of stress, depression, substance abuse, or other personal issue? [Such efforts include referral to employee assistance programming, counseling, or other support services.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part D
This section gathers additional supervisor self-assessment information.

Have you ever self-initiated formal acknowledgment of a subordinate for praiseworthy conduct? [Such efforts include nomination for a formal department award or other honor.]*

Have you ever self-initiated formal acknowledgment of a subordinate for praiseworthy conduct? [Such efforts include nomination for a formal department award or other honor.]*

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Supervisory Self-Assessment: Part D1
Additional detail of self-initiated formal recognition of praiseworthy conduct by subordinates.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated formal acknowledgment of a subordinate for praiseworthy conduct? [Such efforts include nomination for a formal department award or other honor.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Approximately how many times have you self-initiated formal acknowledgment of a subordinate for praiseworthy conduct? [Such efforts include nomination for a formal department award or other honor.] Enter a number below that is your best estimate.

Note: Self-initiated means your actions were not directed by a higher ranking supervisor.

Clear selection
Final Comment – Submit Survey
Ending comments and survey submission.

Do you have any additional comments you wish to include with your survey submission? If not, you can leave this section blank. Press “Finish – Submit” to finalize and send your responses.

Do you have any additional comments you wish to include with your survey submission? If not, you can leave this section blank. Press “Finish – Submit” to finalize and send your responses.

Your survey responses are not submitted until you click on the “Finish – Submit” button.

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The questions and data associated with this survey are copyright protected and the proprietary creation of Secure 1776.

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